Claric Legal Services Outsourcing
What are Outsourcing Agreements?
An Outsourcing Agreement is ordinarily used for a person or organisation (the Service Provider) who takes over the provision of one or more operations of another person or organisation (the Customer).
Such an Agreement can cover a wide range of service provision including web hosting, website maintenance, customer support, human resources, IT services, financial and accounting matters etc.
Why are they important?
It is important to set out the scope of work (ie the work of the outsourcer) in a written document as this can often be a cause of misunderstanding and disagreement. If there is no written agreement or if there is in place a poorly drafted one, there can be differing interpretations of the text or what has been agreed.
How Claric can help
Claric has vast experience in drafting such agreements and is able to advise on their content. Prices start from £480.
Get in touch
If you’re looking for easy access and affordable legal advice along with clear and understandable legal documents, contact Richard Jenkins on
024 7698 0613 or info@clariclegal.co.uk for further assistance.